services offered

 BCBA/BCaBA Supervision

Accrue your BCBA/BCaBA fieldwork experience hours with TBB’s remote supervision services.


  • What is it? Remote supervision meetings with a qualified supervising BCBA to accrue BCBA/BCaBA fieldwork hours
  • Who is it for? Those pursuing the BCBA/BCaBA certification
  • How does it work? Once a supervision contract is signed, you’ll remotely meet weekly or biweekly with a supervising BCBA to discuss and apply ABA topics included on the BCBA Task List 5th Edition
  • How much does it cost? $100/hour


If you’re interested in signing up or would like some more information, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours to schedule a free 10-min consultation.

 ABA Tutoring/Consulting

Schedule a meeting with TBB to discuss anything ABA, BCBA, RBT, Supervision, etc., -related.


  • What is it? A remote meeting with a knowledgeable BCBA to discuss anything ABA. Common topics to discuss include:
  • Tutoring for the RBT Competency
  • Coaching on treatment development and planning 
  • Reviewing what to expect when starting ABA with parents/caregivers
  • Who is it for? Students, clinicians, RBTs, BCBAs, BCBA/BCaBA candidates, parents/caregivers, etc. 
  • How does it work? Meetings will occur remotely either via video call or voice call
  • How much does it cost? $50/ 30-min


If you’re interested in signing up or would like some more information, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.